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Mid-Year Review: Are you Ready?

It is hard to believe that midyear is upon us. June marks the sixth month and the halfway point to reaching your New Year’s Resolutions. How are you fairing? Do you feel like you are on track and well on your way to success? Or have you completely lost sight of what you even resolved to accomplish? Perhaps you are somewhere in the middle. Painfully aware of what you proclaimed, yet falling short of reaching it.

Regardless of where you stand, June is a perfect time to reassess. There isn’t a better time than now to take a hard look at your actions. Do they align with your goal? Are they meeting your intentions for the year? Are you doing what is necessary to be successful?

If not, there in lies your answer. Sorry to be the one to sock it to you but it is rather fairly cut and dry. You are not stepping up. Plain and simple, you are not walking the talk. How can you possibly achieve a new level if you aren’t putting forth the effort? Change takes hard work: for everyone…no exceptions.

So are you ready to kick it into high gear? Because chances are, if you haven’t passed “go”, you have some catching up to do. You no longer have time to warm the bench. It’s time to put forth the effort to make the starting line up.

You must start by asking yourself the hard questions. The more uncomfortable part may be giving yourself the honest answers. Are you willing to do what it takes achieve your goal? Are you willing to put forth the hard work? Is your goal important enough to make sacrifices? Because chances are, you may have to sacrifice something currently in your life to achieve something new.

If your answers are yes yet you still have not made progress, your answer becomes a little more challenging. This will require further evaluation to understand your obstacles: what is keeping you from moving forward. This is where coaching and/or a mentor can be so valuable.

Of course, mid-year reviews are not all gloom and doom. Many of you are on track. Kudos! If you find yourself here, mid-year is a time to give yourself a little pat on the back: a mini midterm celebration. And then lay out a plan that motivates you to make the final push to the finish line. It is only natural to fatigue towards the end of a race. We often times feel like we are working even harder just to keep pace. This is where reconnecting to your motivators, your “why”, can be so powerful. Find your inner drive and keep the finish line in sight.

Wishing each of you much success in the final half of the year!

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