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                 Greatness is not a function of circumstance.

              Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious                                                                        choice, and discipline.

                                                                                                                                                     - Jim Collins

Do you ever find yourself wanting more out of life even though to most you have it all? You are successful, ambitious and live a full life. On paper you appear to be living the dream, yet inside there is a lingering feeling as though you are missing a key element and cannot pinpoint it. Or maybe you know exactly what is missing, yet you have struggled to overcome it on your own. Perhaps you have tried countless programs, coaching, and consultants and read more books than your home library can hold.  Let us introduce you to a whole new game...




This is where Game Time Coaching differs from anything you’ve experienced before. Through the language of sports, you will find new perspective and learn new skills to create solutions leading you to life of sustainable optimal performance. Your life is your game. Through coaching you will walk away with the tools to generate life changing game plays giving you the competitive edge to a winning season in every aspect of your life.


Throughout your life, transition points are natural. Whether you are an executive at the top of your career or one trying to climb the corporate ladder, whether you are an amateur, student or a professional athlete, or simply an parent seeking balance between work and home, Game Time Coaching can help.



Our approach to coaching is 100% customized to each individual and/or team. We take a client driven approach rather than program driven. The end result equips you with a playbook of skills in which you will personalize, build upon and continually implement in all areas of your life. Through the use of your new playbook, you will write your own unique competitive edge that makes the difference between a winning and losing season. No two playbooks will ever be the same.  


Small changes can make big differences. 


                                                                                       Meet Kristy  >>


Game Time Coaching © 2014  All Rights Reserved.

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